Overcome Obstacles

Overcome Obstacles

It’s not for you to let the failures, rejection, lost job,  door closed on relationships, friendship that has left you keep you down in the put or depression . It’s for you to learn from that situation and by the grace of God move forward. Always remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made, God never made a mistake in your outer beauty, your uniqueness,  your eyes, your skin, your hair.  Love who you are and if you having obstacles and fears of what others said about you, speak God’s word over your life  daily, apply it and believe what He said about you. And if it’s not positive impact on your life Let it Go, FORGIVE and Keep Pushing forward. There’s No obstacles that God can’t bring You through,  it takes time, time takes patients,  as you go through the process embrace who You Are! All things are Possible through Christ Jesus who strength us

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